
We acknowledge the following organizations for their friendship, vision and support in promoting CHI. We invite all future-thinking organizations, investors, contractors and advocates who recognize the importance of cohousing in Israel to join us!

CHI envisions multiple cooperative and affordable housing communities for the elderly and others across the country. This requires changes and flexibility in legal and regulatory systems. CHI initiates outreach to government ministries and other institutions in the public, private and third sector to accomplish this. Following are some of those institutions that have been helpful on the road to realizing this vision.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

Hadarim – Urban Renewal Impact Fund

Municipality of Jerusalem

Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo

Kfar Saba Economic Development Corporation

Israel Land Authority

Ministry of Labor Social Affairs and Social Services

Bituach Leumi”National Insurance Institute

Ashoka - Israel World of Social Entrepreneurship

National Insurance Institute of Israel Funds

The Bee Hive - The Social Hub of Israel

Kipod Sustainability Center - Kfar Saba

Savion, Association for the Elderly Kfar Saba

Tel Aviv University

Planning. Community. Environment.

Shikun & Binui

Technion - Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning


Community is about open communication. The consensus decision-making process ensures the involvement of all members in decisions that affect their lives. When everyone is involved in the decision-making process, people get to know each other well and this fosters community. One of the key elements of consensus is learning to listen to others. Disagreement does not mean the end of discussion, but the beginning of a more meaningful and deeper discussion.

Member’s Agreement

A Members’ Agreement is a binding agreement drawn up by the people who plan to live in a particular cohousing project. Each cohousing site has its own Members’ Agreement. Subjects, such as waiting lists, meals, meetings, behavior in common spaces, rituals and pets are defined by the members for themselves. Experience shows that it is wise to begin forming a Members’ Agreement months before moving in. The process itself builds community.